It's time to get real!
3DKids utilizes powerful, state-of-the-art non-technology—
pencils, paper, rulers, scissors, thread, fabric and sewing machines—to "plug in" to
the most advanced creative tool ever developed. Imagination.
We facilitate real, hands-on creative experiences as we guide young innovators
through our "3D" process—dreaming, designing and finally, doing.
3DKIds Academy © 2017 3DKIds Academy is a division of KABCreative 650 346-5896 Contact Us Jobs
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Our fledgling fashionistas, designers and makers learn valuable real-world skills,
like cutting, measuring, making and using patterns, hand & machine sewing, construction
and embellishing techniques. Even more importantly, they learn the sense of empowerment
that comes from turning their idea from a piece of paper into a
real-life 3D creation they'll proudly carry home.